Our Stories
AHI is committed to providing a platform to present exciting new research into Auckland’s past. Contributions come from students and staff at the University of Auckland, academics from other New Zealand Universities and Institutions as well as professional historians.
The AHI also showcases recent research at an annual Symposium. To find out more and watch a selection of presentations from the 2019 AHI Symposium see AHI Events.
Auckland City Mission and the Poor in Auckland
by Peter Lineham* Auckland City Mission celebrates its centenary in June 2020. The Standing Committee of the Anglican Diocese approved a proposal for the establishment of the Mission earlier that year and it commenced with services in the Princess Theatre in Queen...
Unearthing the history of Ihumātao, where the land tells stories
by Lucy Mackintosh* Analysis - The sudden appearance of Ihumātao in national headlines over the past few weeks has taken many by surprise. Until recently, Ihumātao was a place that seemed off the beaten track. Located in a rural area in Māngere, and bounded on three...
Heritage is NOT history – or is it?
by Ben Schrader* There is an instinctive relationship between heritage and history. If heritage professionals see heritage as a process of presenting the past in tangible (buildings, museums) and intangible ways (dance, festivals), then historians offer understandings...
Auckland: City of cultural segregation
A leading Pacific studies academic says social policies have driven cultural segregation in New Zealand's largest city How often do we hear that Auckland is this wonderfully diverse city where immigration has produced an exciting multicultural mix and made it a truly...